Parental Access to Compass

FAO all parents.

The next stage of our rollout of Compass is to enable parents to access the Compass portal.

We hope to be in a position to post out usernames and passwords to parents during October midterm, so that parents can log in.

Compass have provided webinars that demonstrate the parent login process via the App – 

and also, the parent login process via Browser – 

Please view these short webinars so you are able to move forward once your username and password arrives in the post.

We are recommending that all parents download the app to use on an ongoing basis.

Parents will need to be able to access Compass in order to see results from our first set of House Exams, and to see the first round of TY credits that have been awarded.

When we have posted the usernames and passwords out, we will also text out a survey link to all parents. This survey is to be used to notify us if parents were unable to access Compass or if there are inaccuracies in the details we have for parents i.e. addresses, names etc 

Please log any/all issues via the survey so that we can address them in a timely manner.


Mr Corcoran.
